It’s easy to say goodbye to summer and welcome the cooler autumn temperatures. This also means Artview landscapes can assist you with your garden jobs for Autumn as now is the best time to plant.

Autumn jobs we can assist you with or do for you range from the garden design of your plantscape to plant selection, planting, dividing strap leaf plants like Agapanthus, Day Lily, Mondo grass, etc. Dividing is a great way of creating new plants.

Now is the time to plant bulbs from daffodils to Snowflake. Shrubs and trees like Hibiscus & Tibouchina. You can fertilise your whole garden.

In Autumn pests like nasty aphids love to invade your tender new season seedlings & armyworms like to invade your turf so contact Artview landscapes to check if you have these pests and if you have we can control them and eradicate them.

2019-09-11T00:35:47+10:00March 21st, 2017|